Security and more.

Yesterday F and I drove down to Cincinnati to see her parents, and because she had a date with Doctor Dentist (eek.) But before her appointment, we decided to run to the mall to kill some time. Normally i'm pretty good about not spending money when I need to be conservative, but lately it's been increasingly difficult. We stopped by a fancy-schmancy travel store first, equipped with $40 leather passport covers and $2000 rolling luggage, so needless to say I didn't expect to shell out any cash here. But, after strolling around, I decided to buy one of the ultimate, tourist security items: the hidden fanny pack. You know the one. The camoflauge brown, nylon,"super sweat resistent!" one that any travel store will scare future tourists into buying. Well, I bought one, but only because everyone i've talked to recommended one.
The partially helpful, partially creepy french salesman at the store also reminded me of another item I needed to buy. "Make zure yoo zecure yoor laptope," he warned, stroking his neatly trimmed goatee. Of course! I totally forgot about a laptop lock. Our study-abroad adivsor warned us all against taking our laptops with us this summer, saying it will be excess weight, might get damaged and could certainly be stolen. Everyone else seemed to nod and accept the tidbit of information, but for me, a writer/photographer, my laptop is often my third arm, and there's no way I could leave it behind this summer.I've secured a deal with my local paper, and I'm going to contribute some travel stories and anecdotes about a student's life overseas while in Lecce, and I also need somewhere to store the insane amount of pictures I plan on taking. So, I think I make a decent case for bringing it along. And besides, I want to keep you all informed with pretty pictures and longwinded rants about where I've been getting espresso, prendendo il sole and carving the local pieta Leccese.
Besides my laptop and camera, I'm embracing minimalism as much as possible while abroad.
The picture above is basically the lock I bought. I realize the little guy isn't going to stop the determined thief, but it will dissuade anyone living in my house from snagging it up.
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