Tuesday, June 05, 2007


So there's this game I play when I can't find anything else to do (like study for two comprehensive finals in two days. make sense? yeah, I didn't think so either) that I call Think-of-Something-Really-Strange-That-Involves-Your-Name-and-then-Google-it. It's a riot, really, if you're as easily amused as I. To play, just think of an unfinsished phrase that starts with your name, for example: "John really likes" or "John took a bite out of" or my favorite "John keeps poking my". Then, google it, with the quotes, and see what gems you can find. Here are some fun ones.

John feels a bit...

"John feels a bit frustrated and makes a logical decision."

"John feels a bit lonely."

"John feels a bit uneasy about letting other people know about his interest in the stock market." (Who told?)

"John feels a bit too self-consciously bizarre for his own good."

John looks a lot like...

"John looks a lot like Tony, with that same lean, lanky build (both must get it from mom.)"

"John looks a lot like Gary Coleman."

"John looks a lot like a painting."

"John looks a lot like my kindergarten teacher, damn."

...and then the last one

John can't stop thinking about...

"John can't stop thinking about doubling the number of college graduates."

"John can't stop thinking about the fact that he knows Natalie's husband is alive and well." (I sure hope so.)

"John can't stop thinking about how hot it would be to get Rodney on his stomach and lick him until his jaw aches."

So, seriously, I didn't make that last one up. Google it yourself.

I don't even want to know who Rodney is.

Anyway, this is certainly good times, so try it out and post a comment linking to some of your favorites.


Blogger Shelley - At Home in Rome said...

Wait?! You look like Gary Coleman?? Man, I've been seeing you all over the place lately... :-)

3:06 PM  

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